Вплив агромеліоративних заходів на відновлення властивостей та родючості нафтозабрудненого чорнозему

Дослідження особливостей міграції, трансформації, акумуляції та біодеградації нафти в ґрунті. Пошук шляхів відновлення властивостей та родючості нафтозабрудненого чорнозему за допомогою агромеліоративних заходів. Фізичне випаровування вуглеводнів нафти.

Рубрика Сельское, лесное хозяйство и землепользование
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 29.09.2014
Размер файла 114,8 K

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Ключевые слова: почва, углеводороды, загрязнение нефтью, агромелиоративные приемы, восстановление плодородия.


Panasenko E.V. Influence of agroameliorative measures on renewal of oil contaminated chernozem soil properties and fertility. - Manuscript.

Thesis for candidate's of agricultural sciences degree in speciality 06.01.03 - agricultural soil science and agrophysics. National scientific center “Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry Research named after O.N. Sokolovsky, Kharkiv, 2007.

The dissertation work is devoted to investigation of oil migration, transformation, accumulation and biodegradation features in soil, search of properties and fertility of oil polluted chernozem soil renewal ways by agroameliorative measures. Determined the conformities to the law of oil hydrocarbons physical evaporation depending on a temperature, soil granulometric composition and on the contamination level. It is proved that the amount of the adsorbed oil grows at the increase of soil structure density, however at the increase of humidity, the depth of its penetration and soil contaminated on a greater depth is multiplied. The dynamics of maintenance soil changes mobile phosphorus, potassium, nitrate and ammonium nitrogen forms at oil and products of its processing (petrol, kerosine, diesel fuel, fuel oil) contamination were set. On the basis of separate ameliorates efficiency study and establishment of their optimum correlation the system of agromeliorative measures has been developed. The system consists of mineral fertilizers, straw, zeolite in the type of klynoptilolit bringing and soil loosening that allows considerably accelerating the process of contaminated soil fertility renewal.

Key words: soil, hydrocarbons, contamination by oil, agroameliorative measures, renewals of soil fertility.

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