Біотехнологія отримання та використання йодбілкового препарату в годівлі сільськогосподарських тварин
Вивчення технологічних параметрів стабільності йодбілкового препарату при зберіганні. Характеристика токсикологічних досліджень на лабораторних і сільськогосподарських тваринах. Основні властивості та ефективність застосування біотехнологічного продукту.
Рубрика | Сельское, лесное хозяйство и землепользование |
Вид | автореферат |
Язык | украинский |
Дата добавления | 24.06.2014 |
Размер файла | 48,1 K |
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During the drug storage it was determined the stability of the preparation. The safety of iodum at 250С temperature during 24 months made 92,2-92,8 %, that meets the requirements incorporated in the normative documentation for this drug. This allows guarantee the quality of the preparation during 24 months of its conservation at the temperature above 250С.
The comparative aspect of stability of the iodprotein preparation in premix composition and in the composition with mixed fodder for agricultural animals was stadied. The application of the iodprotein preparation, as a source of iodum in the composition of premixes for agricultural animals and poultry promotes the rise of stability of premixes, the safety of biologically active substances and biological value of premixes. The contents of iodum in mixed fodder in addiing it as the iodprotein preparation after 1 month storage was 58,1-78,9 % higher than as adding it as potassium iodide, that testifies about greater efficiency of addiing of iodum in the composition of mixed fodder in the organic form as the iodprotein preparation.
It was determined the efficiency the drug of application young cattle and pigs.
The application of the iodprotein preparation has allowed to increase during the period of researches common incremental value of alive mass of one head of large cattle by 18,5-19,2 kg, for pigs during the process of their fattening this value was for 2,1-3,7 kg higher in comparison with the control ones. The daily average of increase of alive mass for young cattle was for 11,5-11,9 %, higher for pigs it was for 3,5-5,9 % in comparison with the control ones. It was determined the positive influence of the drug for hematological and immunological of blood index for animals.
The introduction of the iodprotein preparation in ration of young cattle, as a source of iodum, assisted the augmentation of the thyroid gland sizes, raised the contents of iodum in it. At the end of experience the content of iodum in animal of experimental groups was for 66,5-71,7 % higher in comparison with the control group, the weight of a thyroid gland - for 47,6-58,3 % higher in comparison with the control one.
The addition of the iodprotein preparation promoted the deposition of iodum in working bodies pigs during their fattening. Thus, in the muscle tissue the content of iodum during the application of the iodprotein preparation made 7,4-8,1 g % and was large for this index in control group for 58,8-73,8 %, in the brain of animals of experimental groups, the content of iodum was for 70,4-75,7 % higher in comparison with the control group, in cardiac muscle - for 14,4-27,8 % higher in comparison with the control one. In hemopoietic organs the content of iodum in animals of experimental groups also considerably exceeded this index of animals of control group: in the lien - for 59,1-63,5 % in the liver - for 38,5-46,6%. The level of iodum in the organs of excretion (kidney, mild) in animals of experimental groups also exceeded this index in comparison with the control group. The addition of the iodprotein preparation promoted the best deposition of iodum in the organs of pigs, in particulaly in their muscles, in comparison with potassium iodide. It is developed the reasonable scientific technology of application of the iodprotein preparation is in production of fodders, premixes and in feeding young cattle and pigs. On the basis of physical-chemical researches, complex toxic-biological analysis, researches of stability of the drug it was developed the system of indeces of quality and safety of the iodprotein preparation and Technical Specifications 24.4.00485670.015-2002 of the Ukraine, “The iodprotein preparation”, which meets the requirements of the Ukraine legislations and international standards. On the basis of the researches in the study of efficiency and technology of application of the iodprotein preparation is the Manual for application, created for the iodprotein preparation. The technical specifications and the Manual for application are predicated hereunder by State department of veterinary medicine of the Ukraine and State Standard of the Ukraine.
Key words: the iodprotein preparation, premixes, mixed fodder, iodum, potassium iodide, young cattle, pigs.
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