Образ политического лидера в отечественных политологических исследованиях

Обзор отечественных исследований образа политического лидера среди философско-исторических, политико-психологических и социально-политических исследованиях. Конструирование сказочных сюжетов как метод выявления прототипа идеального лидера среди молодежи.

Рубрика Политология
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Язык русский
Дата добавления 27.04.2021
Размер файла 51,4 K

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44. Aivazova S.G. Gender Features of Political Behavior of Russians in the Context of the Electoral Cycle of Parliamentary and Presidential Elections 2011--2012. Woman in Russian Society. 2012; 3: 3--11 (In Russ.).

45. Aivazova S.G. Russian Elections: Gender Approach. Moscow: Consortium of Women's Nongovernmental Organizations; Institute of Sociology, RAS; 2008. 177 p. (In Russ.).

46. Chirikova A.E. Regional Elites of Russia. Moscow: Aspect Press; 2010. 272 p.

47. Ovcharova O.G. Gender Asymmetry of Politics: Measurement of the World Configuration. People. Community. Management. 2016; 17 (2): 70--81 (In Russ.).

48. Bendas T.V. Gender Studies of Leadership. Vopsosypsychologii. 2000; 1: 87--95 (In Russ.).

49. Shepeleva Yu.L. Political Leadership in Modern Russian Society: The Gender Dimension. State and Municipal Management. Proceedings of the SKAGS. 2016; 3: 240--245 (In Russ.).

50. Popova O.V. Features of Political Consciousness of Contemporary Russian Youth. Political science. 2017; 1: 138--162 (In Russ.).

51. Popova O.V. Political Potential of Youth Leadership in Russian Conditions: The Results of Interregional Research. Political Expertise: POLITEX. 2018; 14 (4): 52--71 (In Russ.).

52. Trofimova I.N. Generational Factor of Civil Activity in Russian Society. Sociological Science and Social Practice. 2015; 2: 5--17 (In Russ.).

53. Samarkina I.V. The Image of Power in the Political Picture of Youth. Political Psychology: Anthology. Comp. by E.B. Shestopal. 4th ed. Moscow: Publishing house “Aspect Press”; 2018: 398--408 (In Russ.).

54. Vasilenko I.A., Vasilenko E.V. Public Relations in Government: textbook. 2nd ed. Moscow: International relations; 2017. 296 p. (In Russ.).

55. Volodenkov S.V. Internet Communications in the Global Space of Modern Political Governance. Moscow: Prospect; 2018. 271 p. (In Russ.).

56. Volodenkov S.V. Management of Modern Political Campaigns. Moscow: Moscow University Publishing House; 2012. 312 p. (In Russ.).

57. Galkina E.V. On Political Leadership: Modern Trends and Technologies. Society, Politics, Economics, Law. 2017; 4: 15--17 (In Russ.).

58. Knurova V.A. Political Leadership and Mass Media: Principles of Interaction at the Present Stage. Historical, philosophical, political and legal sciences, cultural studies and art history. Theory and Practice. 2014; 8-1 (46): 79--82 (In Russ.).

59. Skulkina N.V. Factors Affecting the Perception of the Presidential Candidates in the Russian Election Campaign. Bulletin of Tomsk State University. Philosophy. Sociology. Political Science. 2013; 3: 30--36 (In Russ.).

60. Seleznev A.V. Methods for the Study of Values. Political Psychology: Anthology. Comp. by E.B. Shestopal. 4th ed. Moscow: Publishing house “Aspect Press”; 2018: 93--95 (In Russ.).

61. Gabrielyan A.A. New Model of Responsible Political Leadership. Economic Strategies. 2016; Vol. 18; 6 (140): 198--203 (In Russ.).

62. Gachev G.D. National Images of the World: A Course of Lectures. Moscow: Publishing center “Academy”; 1998. 432 p. (In Russ.).

63. Zakharov A.V. Folk Images of Power. Polis. 1998; 1: 23--35 (In Russ.).

64. Selivestrova Y.A. Specifics of Political Leadership in Russia. Uspekhi sovremennoj nauki. 2016; Vol. 4; 7: 128--130 (In Russ.).

65. Durdin D.M. Image of a Political Leader: Transformation is Impossible. Polis. 2015; 2: 33--151 (In Russ.).

66. Shcherbinina N.G. Hero and Anti-hero. Moscow: Publishing house “The Whole World”; 2002. 116 p. (In Russ.).

67. Shcherbinina N.G. Myth-heroic Construction of the Political Reality of Russia. Moscow: ROSSPEN; 2011. 287 p. (In Russ.).

68. Evgenieva T.V., Titov V.V. Images of the Past in the Russian Mass Political Consciousness: Mythological Dimension. Political Science. 2017; 1: 120--138 (In Russ.).

69. Ananchenko M.Yu. Influence of Archetypes on the Idea of the Leader and Leadership. Proceedings of Herzen State Pedagogical University. 2009; 107: 68--75 (In Russ.).

70. Shtukina T.A. Regional Political Leadership in Modern Russia. Bulletin of Moscow State University. Series 12: Political Science. 2008; 1: 78--88 (In Russ.).

71. Shtukina T. A. A New Dimension of the Phenomenon of Political Leadership. Psychology and Psychoanalysis of Power. Samara: Publishing house “Bahrah-M”; 2016: 359--376 (In Russ.).

72. Ivanova M.G. Archetypes of Culture. Search for the Central Archetype. Moscow: FLINTA; 2019. 480 p. (In Russ.).

73. Fang I. Concept of Citizen in Political Thought. Methodological Approaches and Theoretical Models. Saarbrucken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co, KG; 2011. 412 p. (In Russ.).

74. Political Use of the Past as a Tool of Symbolic Policy: The Evolution of the Discourse of the Ruling Elite in Post-Soviet Russia. Political Expertise: POLITEX. 2012; 8: 179--204 (In Russ.).

75. Vershinin M.S. Political Communication in Information Society. Actual Problems of Communication Theory. Collection of proceedings. SPb.: SPbSPU publishing house; 2004: 98--107 (In Russ.).

76. Razvorotneva S.V. The Language of Power, the Power of Language (Analysis of Studies of Political Communication in America). Psychology and Psychoanalysis of Power. Samara: Publishing house “Bahrah-M”; 2016: 164--174 (In Russ.).

77. Palitay I.S. Methodology of Political-psychological Research of Mass Political Consciousness in Transforming Societies. Political Science. 2016; Special issue: 193--203 (In Russ.).

78. Zverev A.L., Palitay I.S., Rogosar' A. I., Smul'kina N.V. The Political Perception in the Current Political Environment. Polis. 2016; 3: 40--54 (In Russ.).

79. Popov E.A. Russian Political Elite and Communication Technologies. Moscow; 2015. 144 p. (In Russ.).

80. Shestopal E.B. Methods of Research of Political Perception in Russian Political Psychology. Russian Political Science: Ideas, Concepts, Methods. Ed. by L.V. Smorgunov. Moscow: Publishing House “Aspect Press”; 2015: 76--94 (In Russ.).

81. Power and Leaders in the Perception of Russian Citizens. A Quarter-century of Observations (1993--2018). Ed. by E.B. Shestopal. Moscow: Publishing house “Whole World”; 2019. 656 p. (In Russ.).

82. Batov V.I. Psychological Analysis of Children's Drawing on the Chernobyl Tragedy. Voprosy psikhologii. 1997; 1: 26--32 (In Russ.).

83. Golovin N.A., Sibirev V.A. Children and Elections to the State Duma: Formation of Basic Political Attitudes. Journal of sociology and social anthropology. 2001; 4: 116--134 (In Russ.).

84. Selezneva A.V., Shestopal E.B. Human Capital of Russian Political Elites. Russian Association of Political Science. Research Committee on Political Psychology. Moscow: ROSSPEN; 2012. 341 p. (In Russ.).

85. Vladykina I.K., Plesovskikh S.N. Construction of Fairy Tales as a Method of Identifying the Prototype of an Ideal Leader among Young People. Vestnik MGU. Ser. 12: Political science. 2000; 5: 98--103 (In Russ.).

86. Smul'kina N.V. Designing Fairy Tales as Methods of Determining Factors of Electoral Appeal of the Candidates in Election Campaign. Russian political science. 2017; 1: 140--151 (In Russ.).

87. Rimsky V.L. Political Sociology. Structural Transformations and Development of Russian Schools of Political Science. Ed. by O.V. Gaman-Golutvina. Moscow: Publishing house “Aspect Press”; 2015: 333--354 (In Russ.).

88. Gorshkov M.K. Russian Society in the Context of the New Reality. To the Results and Continuation of the Sociological Megaproject. Moscow: Ves' Mir; 2017. 104 p. (In Russ.).

89. Gorshkov M.K. Russian Society as It Is (Practice of Sociological Diagnostics). In 2 vol. 2nd ed. Moscow: New chronograph; 2016. 496 p. (In Russ.).

90. Public opinion--2018. Moscow: Levada Center; 2019. 168 p. (In Russ.).

91. Images of the Russia's Future: Desired -- Possible -- Necessary: Proceedings of the All- Russian Scientific and Practical Conference, Moscow, June 8--9, 2016. Ed. by A.B. Ananchenko. Moscow: MPGU; 2016. 275 p. (In Russ.).

92. Ilyicheva L.E., Komarovsky V.S. Image of the Desired Future, Identity and Civilizational Choice of Youth. Development Policy, State and World Order: Proceedings of the VIII all-Russian Congress of political scientists, Moscow, 6--8 December 2018. Ed. by O.V. Gaman-Golutvina, L.V. Smorgunova, L.N. Timofeeva. Moscow: Publishing House “Aspect Press”; 2018: 228-- 229 (In Russ.).

93. Kurakina L.M., Mironcheva E.A. Russian Political Leaders in Perception of Modern Students (Based on Regional Studies). Fundamental Research. 2015; 2 (part 23): 5245--5252. Accessed: 02.05.2019 (In Russ.).

94. Shestopal E.B. Sociological Surveys and Electoral Forecasts: Some Methodological Aspects. Political Psychology: Anthology. Comp. by E.B. Shestopal. 4th ed. Moscow: Publishing house “Aspect Press”; 2018: 89--92 (In Russ.).

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