Стан неоангіогенезу сарком матки – прогноз і тактика лікування

Вивчення впливу сарком матки на особливості перебігу та ефективність методів хірургічного лікування, променевої терапії, поліхіміотерапії. Ключова роль стану неоангіогенезу як вирішального фактору прогнозу хвороби. Лікування хворих с саркомою матки.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 29.01.2016
Размер файла 84,5 K

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Among patients of ALMS in comparison with LMS metastasizing occurs with three times greater frequency. ALMS results in 80% lethality within first 3 years irrespectively of applied methods of the treatment (CT, CT+RT, CT+PCT, CT+RT+PCT). In uterine ESS patients metastases develop in each second woman within first 3 years and in ESM metastases do not develop during the same period. High rate of lethality of ESS patients (48,6%) occurs during first 3 years irrespectively of applied methods of the treatment (CT, CT+RT, CT+PCT, CT+RT+PCT). In patients with UCS metastases develop in 80,8% cases with similar lethality (80,80%) irrespectively of applied methods of the treatment (CT, CT+RT, CT+PCT, CT+RT+PCT). Natural resistance of uterine ALMS, ESS and UCS to the effect of PCT and RT evidence on very low efficacy of chemo- and radiotherapy and state of their hypervascularization which results in early metastasizing and short-term survival is a direct indication for prescription of antiangiogenic therapy during neoadjuvant and adjuvant therapy of the patients with these nosologic forms of US.

Key words: uterine, leiomyosarcoma, angioleiomyosarcoma, endometrial stromal sarcoma, endometrial stromal miosis, carcinosarcoma, neoangiogenesis, prognosis, tactics of the treatment.

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