Наукове обґрунтування удосконалення фінансування первинної медико-санітарної допомоги на засадах загальної практики сімейної медицини

Розробка концептуальної моделі удосконалення фінансування закладів первинної медичної допомоги на засадах загальної практики сімейної медицини на основі контрактних відносин та з використанням елементів програмно-цільового методу планування видатків.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 29.09.2015
Размер файла 736,1 K

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Представленные в исследовании расчеты заработной плати врача общей практики-семейной медицины на основе учета численности населения в зоне его обслуживания, показали один из возможных вариантов увеличения ее уровня в 1,2-2,0 раза.

Ключевые слова: первичная медико-санитарная помощь на принципах семейной медицины, врач общей практики-семейной медицины, договорные отношения, механизм финансирования, заказчик и распорядитель бюджетных средств.


Shevchenko M.V. Scientific grounding of the improvement of financing mechanism of primary health care on principles of the general practice family medicine. - Manuscript.

The dissertation thesis to get the Candidate of Medical Sciences degree in Speciality of Social Medicine (ref. no 14.02.03). - Kiev Medical Academy of Postgraduate Study named after P.L. Shupik, Kiev, 2006.

Dissertation is devoted with the scientific ground of improvement of financing of primary health care (PHC) on principles of the general practice family medicine in Ukraine. For the first in the new socio-economic condition of development of HCS of Ukraine tendencies of the financial providing of HCS and PHC of Ukraine were generalized. Scientifically ground revision and change of financing of primary health care on the principles of the general practice-family medicine. It is out Features and conformities to the law of functioning and financing of establishments of primary health care on the principles of the general practice-family medicine, disproportion and asymmetric of sources of their financial providing were show.

The conceptual model of financing of establishments of primary health care on the principles of Family Medicine on the basis of contracts (contractual) relations was offer. Certain features of financing of establishments of primary health care on the principles of the general practice-family medicine, in particular: absence of effective mechanism of financing of establishments of PHC.

Medical establishments of PHC continue to get budgetary facilities mainly on payment of labour workers and maintenances of establishments, not on providing of grant of medical care; financial resources of primary care was multiplied proportionally to growth of macroeconomic indexes (consumers prices index, to the increase of level of wages) without consideration volumes of activity of primary care.

Expenditure on the primary health care on the principles of the general practice-family medicine in the general volume of financing of health care from local budgets was 2,6%, in the budgets of cities, districts and budgets of local self-government - 4,01%.

Keywords: primary health care (PHC); general practice-family medicine; general practitioner/family doctor (GP/FD, contract, mechanism of financing, customer and manager of budgetary facilities.

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