Комплексна терапія хворих на розацеа, яке поєднується з маласезіозом

Вивчення особливостей перебігу, клінічних проявів, патоморфологічних змін шкіри хворих на розацеа при поєднанні хвороби з маласезійною інфекцією шкіри. Розробка та клініко-лабораторна оцінка ефективності методики комплексної терапії хворих на розацеа.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 27.07.2014
Размер файла 46,1 K

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Ключевые слова: розацеа, малассезиоз, клиника, иммунитет, терапия, азолы


Waseem Abdullah Fares Jebril. Complex therapy of patients with rosacea, combined with malasseziasis. Manuscript.

Thesis for scientific degree of Candidate of Medical sciences by specialty 14.01.20 skin and venereal diseases. - National Medical University named after Academician O. O. Bogomolets, Kyiv, 2004.

Thesis is dedicated to increasing efficiency problem of therapy of patients with rosacea, combined with skin malasseziasis. Peculiarities of the course, clinical manifestations and pathological and morphological skin alterations, general and local immune status of patients with such combined pathology have been studied and determined during investigation. Using comparative analyses of examined factors, different levels of clinical and laboratory disorders have been founded. According to this, studied patients were united into clinical and therapeutic groups. For them differentiated indications have been estimated and developed methods of complex therapy with individualized application of modern immunocorrective remedies (Bemityl, Cyclopheron, Proteflazid), drugs of azol group (Fluconazole), selenium disulfide (“Sulsena” paste). This methods efficiency has been proved and rational methods of relapse preventing developed. As a result, sufficient decreasing of treatment duration, prolongation of remissions and relapse preventing has been achieved.

Key words: rosacea, malasseziasis, clinical manifestations, immunity, therapy, azoles

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