Sociological methods of research of juvenile delinquency

The study of the essence and specifics of the methodology of organizing and conducting a sociological study of the problem of crime related to the personality of minors. Analysis of the main sample design options and the possibilities of survey methods.

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Дата добавления 06.09.2022
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All this information was recorded in their genesis, covering the process of interaction of the individual, the situation and the microenvironment. In addition, the proposed method allows you to fully identify and record the features that make up the socio-demographic portrait of a juvenile offender, his parents or persons who replace them.

Filling out the Card and summing up all the obtained objective indicators, an assessment of the minor offender is given, considering: a) his behavior as a system of actions; b) the connection of the last crime with the previous behavior; c) the degree of deformation of his microenvironment. It is clear that many questions of identical content are included in questionnaires, formalized interviews, and other methodological documents. This makes it possible to compare the results obtained and allows you to easily summarize them when filling out the main final document and provide the obtained data with a quantitative reflection. Thus, the final result of the study should not be considered as generalized results of surveys, analysis of documents, etc., which are often presented as tables with brief comments, but a scientific report that outlines theoretical conclusions about the confirmation or refutation of hypotheses about the state of the scientific problem after its empirical study, the scientific validity of the methods used and recommendations for their improvement and further application.

Conclusions of the research

The analysis of the data allowed us to identify the most characteristic personality traits of juvenile offenders, as well as the reasons and conditions for their criminal behavior. We assumed that the formation of personality is determined not only by the micro-environment, but also by the macroenvironment. In other words, minors will always experience the influence not only of their immediate environment: parents, caregivers, friends, neighbors, etc., but also the influence of the entire society and the state, which is carried out through the appropriate educational institutions, the media, public organizations, and so on. And in this aspect, juvenile delinquency is a consequence not only of family problems, the negative influence of the immediate environment, but also of certain features of the socio-economic and legal political development of society in the modern period [26, p. 410-411].

The development of this problem may have not only theoretical but also practical interest. The question about how specific studies in juvenile crime is one of the most important, because the scientific validity of appropriate methodology, their adequacy to the purposes, object and subject of study, the ability of the researcher to use them, depend on the reliability and validity of generated data, which certainly will contribute to the development of a program of personal development in the state (in general and social policy of the state), professional (efforts of experts) and individual levels (with the efforts of the children themselves), as well as prevention of this phenomenon.

The methodology used in the pilot study, based on sociological methods, allowed a comprehensive analysis of the phenomenon of juvenile delinquency in statics and dynamics and to make a «Card of a comprehensive study of the personality of a juvenile offender and the social situation of its development.» The result of the work opens up the prospect of identifying new signs of juvenile delinquency, which can give rise to new directions of scientific research.


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