Some new ichnospecies stored in the Geological Department of the National Museum of Natural History, NAS of Ukraine

Principles of classification of ichnofossils from sediments of different ages and facies on the continents, on the seabed. History of ichnology. Interpretation of ichnospecies and names for various objects. Image of footprints of unknown animals in situ.

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Diagnosis. Dichotomous ramified cylindrical signs with roots on the lower side of a sandstone.

Deliatynichnis verii Grytsenko isp. nov. (Fig. 23)

Description. Filled up dichotomous ramified structures of cylindrical shape with short and long roots.

Remarks. The genus name is derive from Deliatyn and the species name is given in memory of Vera Franchuk, the former director of the Geological Museum.

Holotype. Stored in GD, No. 1840-5. The signs were found near Deliatyn, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast. Neogene, Dobrotiv series.

Triacliichnis Grytsenko, 2021 igen. nov.

Diagnosis. A three-beam system of thin signs, which have vertical offshoots in the centre of each structure (marked by white arrows in Fig. 23).

Triacliichnis yurii Grytsenko, 2021 isp. nov. (Fig. 23)

Description. The structure forms an unclear network as “paleodyction” (honeycomb structure), but it is thinner and each element is separated from the others. Every beam has a length of 5-6 mm and is 1.0-1.5 mm in cross section.

Remarks. The genus name is derived from the three-beam structure of signs and the species name is given in memory of Yuri Rousko, former director of the Geological Museum.

Positive hyporelief. Scale bar -- 10 mm.

Holotype. Stored in GD, No. 1840-5. The signs were found near Deliatyn, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast. Neogene, Dobrotiv series.

Fig. 25. Imprints of eels or marine snakes on the Bulgarian coast of the Black Sea near Varna. The thanato- coenosis was found in carbonate rocks, which could be of Neogene age. The imprints show long neck, small head with closely spaced eye socks, ribs, and flat vertical tails. The picture was sent to the Geological Department of the NMNH NAS of the Ukraine by an unknown tourist. It is a negative epirelief. Such imprints could be attributed to either ichnofossils or real fossils according to the understanding of the researcher.

Рис. 25. Відбитки вугрів або морських змій (?) знаходяться на болгарському узбережжі Чорного моря біля м. Варна. Цей тафоценоз був відкритий у карбонатних породах неогенового віку. Довгі шиї, маленькі голови, тісно посаджені очниці, тіла мають ребра та плоскі вертикальні хвости. Зображення було направлене до Геологічного відділу ННПМ НАН України невідомим туристом. Негативний ерірельєф. Такі відбитки можуть бути віднесені до категорій іхнофосилій та звичайних скаменілостей одночасно в залежності від розуміння дослідника.


The development of ichnology was facilitated by the needs of the oil and gas industry and appropriate financial support of ichnological projects. The main goal was to study the role of ichnofossils for effective porosity, which is especially important in geological prospecting of oil and gas deposits. Further development of ichnology was connected with the creation of ichnological associations and establishment of scientific editions on the topic that cover achievements of this branch of science. A number of scientific meetings of ichnological workgroups were organised in the field aimed to exchange with experience.

Investigations of ichnofossils of Vendian (Ediacaran) and Cambrian age in Ukraine were conducted by V. M. Paliy (Paliy et al. 1983) and Yu. O. Gureev (1983 a, b). A special contribution was made by academician B. S. Sokolov and M. O Fedonkin (1977, 1992) and by scientists D. V. Grazhdankin and A. Yu. Ivantsov (the latter two took part in field expeditions to Podillia several times).

The mollusc Lithophaga sp. drilled short holes in horizontal direction in the steep rock marine bank below the sea level. During geological excursion in Greece, the author observed horizontal holes of lithophages in the limestone wall of ancient surf niche, the territory of which was raised by tectonic forces on some tens of metres. The definition is correct because cores of the molluscs were found in those holes.

In the past, ichnofossils were not in centre of researchers' attention. The study of ichnofossils have been developing in the last decades and it has reached all continents and seabed.

The ichnological association edits a journal of ichnological news and scientific publications, the “Ichnonewsletter”, through which everybody can get access to actual information on current investigations of ichnologists (Dashtgard & Carmona 2011).

Ichnology now solves many tasks that are important for industrial (oil and gas) geology.


Ichnological investigation is in focus in many countries worldwide. In the past, ichnofossils were used only as indicators of the upper or lower surfaces of beds in tectonically deformed layers of rocks, which is very important in structural geology and geological prospecting. Palaeoichnology at its current level of development is a powerful branch of geological science allowing to solve a number of geological issues. Firstly, determinations of ichnofossils are used to correlate geological sections of different regions in wider or global sense. Secondly, evidence of a certain complex of ichnofossils with lithological features of the sections is used to solve facies issues. Thirdly, ichnofossils produced a higher porosity in Cenozoic and sometimes in Mesozoic reservoirs of oil and gas deposits. In such sense, it is valuable for industries.

Specialists in ichnology use a certain set of morphological signs to determine taxa or different ranks: dimensions of the tracks (holes), form, trajectory, relief of the surface, ornamentation and so on. In this regard, they experience certain difficulties related to the variability of morphology and different interpretations of specific and generic features.

Certain complications appear due to the different levels of deformation of ichnofossils up to total elimination of traces under the influence of waves, currents, and bioturbation of deposits on the seabed and in the process of accumulation of deposits and following changes in lithogenesis.

If we use a broad understanding of the term “ichnofossils," almost all Ediacaran finds fall into this category of fossils because they are preserved only as imprints and traces.

The widest variety of ichnofossils in the geological history but for different periods are characteristic for certain complexes, so it is necessary to focus attention on facies and palaeogeographic features.

All of the aforementioned are the reasons of casual errors and other possible mistakes made by researchers of ichnofossils.


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