Серби в Україні (XVIII–початок ХІХ ст.)

Аналіз процесів переселення сербів в Україну в кінці ХVIII–на початку XІX ст. Особливості переселення, військового, господарського і культурного життя сербів, взаємостосунків з українським населенням. Соціально-правовий статус сербських переселенців.

Рубрика История и исторические личности
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 20.08.2011
Размер файла 52,5 K

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Ключевые слова: национальные меньшинства, Украина, сербы, хозяйство, религия, образование, быт.

Dmutriev V.S. Serbians in Ukraine XVIII-th and beginning XIX-th. Centuries. - Manuscript.

The thesis for the scientific degree of a Candidate of Historical sciences. Speciality 07.00.01 - history of Ukraine. - National M. Dragomanov Pedagogical University. - Kyiv, 2006.

The thesis is devoted to complex research of Serbian migration, their economical and cultural activities in Ukraine in the XVIII-th - at the beginning of the XIX-th centuries. Reasons and pre-conditions of Serbian migrations, forms of economical and cultural activities are explored. The dynamics of Serbians in the Ukrainian lands in the XVIII-th - at the beginning of the XIX-th centuries is analysed. The regions of their compact settlement in Ukraine are determined. The social status of Serbians migrants is characterized. The features of the service of Serbians in hussar's regiments, the participation of Serbians in cultural and spiritual life of Ukraine are shown. Directions of activities of Serbian families that transmigrated to Ukraine in the XVIII-th - at the beginning of the XIX-th centuries are learnt. Reasons of rolling up of Serbian migrations in the Ukrainian lands in the second half of the XVIII-th century are researched. The degree of interrelations of Ukrainian and Serbian nations in the region is set. Reasons or rapid assimilation of Serbian migrants by the local population are examined.

Key words: national minorities, Ukraine, Serbians, military activities, economy, religion, education, way of life.

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