Організаційно-економічні засади розвитку органічного сільського господарства

Визначення сутності органічного сільського господарства у контексті економічних, екологічних, соціальних засад розвитку аграрного сектора. Розробка організаційних підходів до формування органічних кластерів із залученням сільськогосподарських виробництв.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 18.07.2015
Размер файла 237,8 K

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Ключевые слова: органическое сельское хозяйство, базовые принципы, условия развития, государственное стимулирование, кластерный подход.


Golovchenko N.M. Organizational and economic bases of organic agriculture development. - Manuscript.

The thesis for the Scientific Degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences on specialty 08.00.03 - Economics and Management of National Economy. - State Institution "Institute of economics and forecasting of the National academy of sciences of Ukraine". - Kyiv, 2010.

In this work the theoretical essence of organic agriculture based on the concept of multifunctionality as a gradual transformation from produktyvizm to postproduktyvizm in agriculture. According to this organic agricultural is a separate production and economic subsystem the purpose of which is providing of population with safe food and industrial raw material on the basis of ecologically and economic healthy and socially just influence on wild-life, maintenance of quality of soils and ecological system, biological variety, health and welfare of people, for guarantee the quality of life for future generations.

The four base principles of development of organic agriculture in Ukraine which producers have to using for production of organic food are discovered. The technological principles include some technological limitations during organic agricultural production; public - based on the ecologically safe agricultural food production, increase of workplaces in rural locality; economical - grounded on, increase profits of rural population; ecological - based on decline the negative pressure on an environment. Provided that organic agriculture will have an influence on community development by satisfaction of human necessities for example foods, clothes, workplaces, profits and also realization of own potential, growth of possibilities and others like that. The strategic priorities of development of organic agriculture in Ukraine is formulated, which grouped by four directions: legislatively providing, which includes creation of national legislation that will regulate and control production, processing and realization of organic products; publicly oriented direction - for providing the access of all population to organic food, forming of the just system of state support; production direction - includes forming the favourable terms for increase production of organic food; knowledge's direction - for providing the proper informative environment for producers and consumers of organic products.

There existing conditions of organic enterprises in Ukraine (in the case of Zhytomyr region) and in abroad are researched and compared. The considerable difference between the level of the national and international organic agriculture is found. First there are no appropriate organic legislation and government support in Ukraine. The next problem is a higher price for organic products, absence of guarantee for its quality and markets of realization. But even on such conditions the amount of organic producers grows every year and the consumption of safe products is nearly 10 per cent off all populations in Ukraine today. At the same time organic agriculture in abroad and in Ukraine provides some social and economic efficiency, among them and increase amount of workers and level of salary; lower costs on purchased of chemical fertilizers and others.

There is developed and offered support of organic farming from the state through direct and indirect stimulation of demand and supply in domestic market and supply at the foreign market, particularly through the improvement of existing legislation and developing new one. Theoretically explained expediency and practically developed the organizational structure of organic farming based on cluster approach, which involves self-organization of producers, component suppliers, distributors, certification and other organization in organic regional clusters for participating in the general education al, production programs, with the subsequent formation of a state-private partnership with public authorities for general financing of projects, in particular indemnifications of certification costs. The improvement of agricultural education for its environmental setting and creation of the cross control system for guarantee the quality of organic products are grounded. The advisability of creation new segment of market through Internet and attract the small and private farmers to organic production are reasoned. On the basis of proposals submitted a pilot project of creation the organic cluster in Zhytomyr region in potentially suitable for organic agricultural production lands.

Kay words: organic agriculture, base principles, existing conditions, state stimulation, cluster approach.

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