Міграційні та екотоксикологічні властивості свинцю і кадмію в системі "ґрунт-рослина" в умовах Західного Лісостепу України

Особливості переміщення та локалізації свинцю і кадмію в ясно-сірому лісовому ґрунті та чорноземі опідзоленому при змодельованих рівнях забруднення. Фітотоксична дія важких металів на суницю ананасну. Характер впливу забруднення ґрунтів на урожай ягоди.

Рубрика Экология и охрана природы
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 28.08.2014
Размер файла 55,0 K

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Lozovytska T.M. Migratory and ecotoxical properties of lead and cadmium in system "soil - plant" in conditions of a western Forest Steppe of Ukraine. - Manuscript.

The thesis is presented to complete for the degree of the candidate of agricultural sciences specialty 03.00.16 - ecology - Dnipropetrovsk State Agrarian University, 2006.

The dissertation is devoted to research of lead and cadmium distribution in the system "soil - plant", phytotoxical effects of heavy metals on strawberry-plant (Fragaria ananassa Duch.).

It was ascertained peculiarities of lead and cadmium displacement and localization in different layers of bright grey forest soil and chernozem podsolic soil modeling different levels of contamination. It was shown, that processes of transformation and migration of heavy metals compounds in the soil profile are determined by physical and chemical properties of soils.

Phytotoxical effects of lead and cadmium on growth and development of strawberry-plant in contaminated soil at the level of 1, 5, l0 Threshold Limit Values have been investigated. Negative effects of Pb2+ and Cd2+ ions on parameters of water relationships, photosynthetic activity of leaves of strawberry-plant has been revealed. In the same time peculiarities of adsorption and distribution of heavy metals in the plants were analyzed. It was observed, 6-10-fold decrease of lead concentration in above-ground organs in comparison with concentration in roots which coincide 3-7decrease of cadmium concentration in the same organs. It was established that lead and cadmium compete with essential trace elements in the plant organism in that way disturbing their adsorption. Character of lead and cadmium effects in soils on the values of yielding and quality of strawberry has been established.

The balance of heavy metals in the system "soil - plant" has been evaluated. Interrelation between carrying capacity of metals and types of the soil was investigated. The mobility of cadmium in the system "soil - plant" was 1,2-7 times higher in comparison with lead.

In order to decrease of Pb2+ and Cd2+ ions adsorption by plants growing on the bright grey forest soils and chornozem podsolic the western Forest Steppe of Ukraine is recommended to maintain optimal parameters of buffer soil characteristics providing transition of contaminants from mobile to bound forms.

Key words: lead, cadmium, system "soil-plant", bright grey forest soil, chernozem podsolic, strawberry-plant, productivity, quality of production, migration, balance of heavy metals.

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