• A concept and principal reasons of global rise in temperature, place of this phenomenon, is in the modern world. Character of changes of climate, related to the global rise in temperature. Climatic changes, affecting atmospheric and ocean rotation.

    реферат (12,9 K)
  • Natural and anthropogenic causing of global warming. Increased greenhouse effect due to human activity. Analysis of changes in various systems because of reasons due to global warming. Assessing the impact of global warming in world development.

    презентация (2,3 M)
  • Globalization is the process of transformation of local or regional phenomena into global. Globalization has various aspects which affect the world in several ways. Globalization – the growing integration of economies and societies around the world.

    топик (13,8 K)
  • Globalization as a multi-dimensional process. The impact of the сrisis on the global economy. Mechanisms of the macroeconomic impact of the crisis in the manufacturing sector: overview. Textiles and garments. The automotive industry, agro-industries.

    реферат (398,4 K)
  • The history of English - the most widely spoken language of world’s. Рossible implications of this fact and overview the current debates and concerns about the role of English and the state of other world languages under conditions of globalization.

    статья (625,1 K)
  • The process of integration and interaction of humanity and countries of different nations. Critical thinking skills. Access to global media. Influence on behavior, on thinking. The positive and negative effects of mass media on young people in Kazakhstan.

    реферат (511,0 K)
  • Integration of the global and business environment. Corporate social responsibility at the modern enterprise. Making profit as the main goal of the company. The internal environment of the organization, its influence on the management decisions.

    статья (13,7 K)
  • Development of transnational education and transnational science based on innovation technologies. Bologna process is a globalization factor. World standard universities in the global education area. Azerbaijan universities in the global education area.

    статья (45,4 K)
  • To investigate such phenomena as "civilization" and "stadial universalism". Definition of contradictions between different civilizational paradigms and related problems of world globalization. Analysis of globalization as an interaction of civilizations.

    статья (21,4 K)
  • The contradiction between different civilizational paradigms and related problems of world globalization. Research of such phenomena as" civilization "and"stadium universalism". Characteristics of the stadium approach to the development of society.

    статья (20,1 K)
  • Review of the main problems of the world community. Consideration of competition between the West and the East from different sides, as realities and prospects and from a pragmatic point of view, based on energy balance, bipolar and multipolar theories.

    статья (19,8 K)
  • Coverage of the political and economic situation in the world. Prerequisites for strengthening the value of the global division of labor, the role of transnational corporations. Development of images of the global world and the theory of globalization.

    статья (20,1 K)
  • Проблемы построения наземных сотовых систем. Применение спутниковых систем персональной связи. Размещение ретрансляторов базовых станций в космическом пространстве. Потенциальные абоненты глобальной беспроводной коммуникационной системы Globalstar.

    реферат (22,4 K)
  • Монографічний опис одного з біомаркерів еко-зони Globorotalia menardii-Anomalinoides dividens--Spirolina austriaca, її таксономічне положення і філогенетичні зв’язки. Виявлення події зміни морфологічних ознак Globorotalia menardii на глобальному рівні.

    статья (1,3 M)
  • Research on the relationship between glocalization and teacher education. Awareness of the relationship between the local and global spheres. The process of modernization of higher education in Ukraine. Social responsibility, justice and sustainability.

    статья (412,4 K)
  • The energy potential of Ukraine under wartime conditions has been clarified. The work of scientists regarding the goals and strategies of the development of the energy system is analyzed. The main stages of the formation of energy security are outlined.

    статья (31,8 K)
  • Gogol museum in Moscow. Hall "incarnation" keeps a lot of information about Gogol and his creative work. In scientific library and a music lounge is a held literary readings, musical evenings and lectures. Exhibition "Pages of history of the house".

    статья (13,7 K)
  • Assessment of good governance and service delivery in eastern and western Gojam zones (Ethiopia). Probabilistic and improbable methods for selecting participants. Provision of public services by municipalities. Learning and principles of good governance.

    статья (132,4 K)
  • Google Chrome под управлением Ubuntu. Ряд функций браузера, управляя которыми веб-мастер может повысить удобство для пользователей. Движок обработки JavaScript и система безопасности. Расширения в стабильной версии Chrome. Каналы и процесс обновления.

    реферат (19,7 K)
  • Впровадження інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій у навчанні, вдосконалення й урізноманітнення освітнього процесу, застосування нових методів навчання. Ознайомлення вчителів з потенційними можливостями платформ для забезпечення дистанційного навчання.

    статья (509,7 K)
  • The main features and functions of the service Google Docs. Characteristics of the use of this service for teaching computer science to future teachers of mathematics in order to solve information problems. Analysis of the use of the student service.

    статья (178,1 K)
  • Аналіз переваг застосування Google-документів сервісу Google Apps у роботі організаційно-навчальних підрозділів закладів вищої освіти. Акценти щодо застосування Google-документів сервісу Google Apps, завдяки якому відбувається обробка документації.

    статья (693,2 K)
  • Основные понятия компьютерной системы Gopher. Gopher – протокол работы с информационными ресурсами сети Internet, способы поиска объектов по ключевым словам, создание опции меню для размещения закладок. Преимущества Web-сервиса для навигации в Internet.

    реферат (33,3 K)
  • Study of spatial and chronological relations in cities and gords of the 13th century operating in Poland. Development of urban processes in historical lands. The scale of the settlement of the principalities of Greater Poland in the XIII century.

    статья (18,0 M)
  • Description of traditional crafts of Gorodets area as a unique object of cultural and historical heritage. The need to create tourist routes to promote the territory. Holding the festival "The Brotherhood of Folk Art Masters" of folk arts and crafts.

    статья (1,7 M)
  • The principles of effective management through human thinking, the development of historical theories and principles of public administration. A logical framework for moving forward towards introducing a new concept of good governance principles.

    статья (23,2 K)
  • Governance – системна композиція інноваційних управлінських підходів, спрямованих на підтримку балансу між складовими їх ефективності, визначеними як приватний сектор, публічний сектор, громадянське суспільство та організаційна структура держави.

    статья (25,0 K)
  • The motives of attracting foreign entrepreneurs to Soviet economy, difficulties with hiring labor force, contradictions between Soviet organizations and concessioners. Relations between foreign entrepreneurs and Soviet government agencies as well.

    статья (32,1 K)
  • The aim of this research is to figure out existing approaches of assessing the activities of directors and their impact on performance of a company. Evaluating the hypotheses of influence of a certain type of directors, namely, politically connected ones.

    дипломная работа (563,4 K)
  • The areas of grant funds reporting in accordance with international financial reporting standards. The study found that many organisations receive grants from various sources, and may include funds from governmental organisations and international donors.

    статья (459,4 K)